Pick a Chair...

Any chair...


Nope, we're not playing musical chairs. These are projects. Sixteen of thses pretty little "projects" are shown here with an additional seven chairs hiding away in the garage plus two benches that have also been hanging out in there for a while.

The grand total? Hmmm....25? Really? Are there that many rear ends on this island? Well, of course, but do I have to seat them all? No. But, for some reason, I just couldn't say no...

To this one...

It was the most expensive out of all of my chairs and benches but it spoke to me and had great bones and although I didn't care too much for the natural finish of the wood or the rushed seat as is, I could totally see it all dolled up in my favorite olive or chartreuse green with a hint of distressing and a dash of stain and glaze for an aged look. For this one, that's still the plan...

But for this one...I just don't know...
I am normally one for paint. Hands down. Don't even have to think about it normally BUT this one is gorgeous to me without so I am thinking something traditional. Oh, wait...did I say that I was having a hard time deciding whether to paint it or not...maybe not so much. So back to traditional...I was thinking just classic black on these (there are two of them) with a bit of distressing and a funky cushion for just a hint of punch. What do you think? Should I go with that or just keep it plain and perhaps punch it up with a funky cushion?
Ooooh, decisions, decisions...

And then there's her...she's one of four with a matching dining table. Lovely.
Provencially elegant.
For some reason, I couldn't manage to finish her and her family before moving on to the next purchase or project. So, alone they sit...waiting to be revived into a useful state. Waiting to be loved. I am sure they will be yummy once they are actually done. Hopefully it won't take me another six months to show you the finished project on these.

And saying no to this one would have been insane...
...it rang in at only $10.00. Yes. $10.00. The rushed seat is a bit worn but provides just the right amount of characther. Why isn't it painted after 3 months? I can't decide whether I am keeping it all for me or selling and since I can't decide, I don't know how I would like to paint it. Again, the old stand-by sounds good. Black. A hint of distressing. A touch of Me & My House and BAM! we're done, right? Wrong. I kind of like the thought of a candy apple or antique red on this one. Hey! I think I've got it!

This one will take skill and practice. I am totally intimidated by it...but I know it's a great chair which is why I had to have it when I found out home much of a steal it was going to be. The lady I purchased from "had" to get rid of it and almost gave it away.
There's just ONE eensy, weensy, little problem...I DO NOT reupholster! DO NOT. Have NO CLUE where to begin. Have no idea...did I say I don't know how to reupholster? Ugh!
Sooooo, that leads me to...

...this one...
another yummy, absolutely ridiculous find and an answer to prayer. The lady who sold me this one is from Sweden and has the most scrumptious and adorable accent ever. I just wanted to listen to her talk the entire time we were together. While we conversed, I found out SHE upholstered this one...very interesting. "Oh wait!", I thought to myself. "You reupholstered this? Are you willing to teach me or want to make a little extra money?" I said. "Oh, it's SO easy...I could teach you," she says. And well, folks, the rest is history. She will be spending some time in the Me & My House Shop showing Mrs. Me & My House how to "get down" with some reupholstery skills and I don't have to pay a fortune for the tutelage. I love it.

So, that's it for now...started on a few of these this evening and even sat some stuff out on the curb with a CL "curb alert"...felt really good to get rid of some stuff so I can start anew.
Been doing a lot of gardening too. Cleaning out weeds, pulling them from the roots, preparing the soil for new plants. Quite relaxing. Quite revealing.
I. Love. It.


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