Harmonizing colors means to combine them in a way that express a vision, a feeling, interpreting the space to be decorated, there is obviously not just one way to harmonize colors, but only our "own" subjective understanding of the harmonies of color. It is important not to confuse inspiration with improvisation because the border between the fantastic and the disaster is still very thin.
An example of coordinating warm colors, where walls are a pale peach, the chair in the foreground is a rusty red, the antique sofa is covered in apricot silk, so when you enter this house a sense of harmony and warmth is the first impression.
Note the three tones on the sofa, from pale rosy beige to apricot.
A few touches of the same hues are found in the dining area, which serves also as library.
On an antique sofa luxurious damask and silk in different gradations of apricot and orange.
No matter which colors are you mostly attracted to just remember to plan them carefully and when in doubt ask a professional, to avoid costly mistakes, because your house needs to reflect the best of your personality and you must feel happy every time you return home and proud of it when you have guests.
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