Is summer here? It should be, officially, but still I am not so sure.
In any case better be ready to enjoy the sunshine and the garden, possibly reading a great book and drinking a healthy vegetables and fruits juice cocktail while resting on one of these irresistible pieces. I have seen them in an installation of Paola Lenti's latest collection, in Milan, during the Design Week, and later it was also presented during the ICCF in New York in May.Mix raspberry and strawberry juice with ice...sit down and relax.
Have a fresh and refreshing drink with plenty of mint...
or perhaps cucumber juice on ice...
Sip a milk shake with a hint of vanilla while sitting comfortably on these stunning chairs...
A superb selection of colors and textures for the outdoor furniture.
Paola Lenti has chosen Palazzo delle Stelline to show her latest collection. It is a gorgeous building in the center of Milan, with a large cloister, since it was a monastery, and now home for international meetings, installations, educational workshops, cultural events. The building is just across the stunning church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, where The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci can be admired.
It was a special treat to see her beautiful outdoor furniture in such a wonderful context.
It's a wrap...
Photography by Albarosa Simonetti
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