
After a few weeks of trials and errors I am finally able to use Pinterest and now… just what I needed… I am hooked to that too.
Do you already know about Pinterest?  It is a great way of organizing and sharing pictures, your own or the ones that most appeal to you online.  I use it as a reference digital book for inspiration and also to relax looking at beautiful images of interiors. I admit, sometimes it gets too intense, like craving for sweets and reading patisserie books with vivid images of scrumptious pastries!


I must be very careful though, between blogging and Facebook, lots of time goes without noticing (I am not really keen on Twitter yet, even if I use it at times, but I found it difficult to follow…most of the time I don’t know what people are talking about, like:
#circus@xyz… you are right!  (about what? mystery…sometimes there is no thread of the conversation)
at XYZ cafe’ right now having a tall macchiato caramel with a hint of cinnamon
(no idea why people want you to know they are having coffee right now…do I need to know?)
Facebook is always more fun even though at times I need to delete a few people who I obviously did not accept carefully but it was very exciting in the beginning to be asked to be friends so I jumped on everyone (not literally) and now I am slowly editing my list because I want it to be mostly for business, to learn from others, to be exposed to new ideas, to connect with similar minds (or with totally different ones that can bring me a wider vision of my world).

Beth Collier
Beth Collier design


Pinterest is a fast way of keeping informed on Interior decoration, since many Pinners (? is this the word for users of the system?) download not only their projects but also images from magazines.


Through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and of course my Blog I made so many new contacts with artists, designers, writers, photographers, architects and some I may even consider “virtual friends” since at times we exchange personal emails or we are able to meet in person.



Nancy Marcus design

Irene Turner design


I had to limit my virtual friends named in this post to just a few, chosen randomly between old friends from blogging and new ones from Facebook or Pinterest but you can see what I mean:  great inspiring ideas.

So…are you Pinning? What are you waiting for?
Start now to create your own Pin Board and let us know your Pin-Name, it will be adding to mine and my readers collection of beautiful, inspiring images.
Share with us what you think about social media, are you part of some?

©2012 Brillante Interiors writes about new trends, timeless decor, iconic pieces, design ideas, or at times just musing about "a certain Italian way of doing things".

If you need help to enjoy your home more, please send me an email.  It will be an investment in happiness at home, a well designed house is always a good part of a great life and a beautiful room will make you happy every time you walk in!

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