Oh my! I never expected to take this much of a break from blogger world but life as I KNEW it has totally taken quite the turn.
This sounds bad. It's not. In the past couple of months we have settled in from our move from Hawaii into our new home, gotten the kids into a great routine, and, most excitedly, welcomed our new little one! Our family of 5 is now a family of 6 and I never knew how much adding one little peanut to the clan would make such a difference in the dynamics of everyday life.
In addition to all the exciting transitions in life, I now have the opportunity to expand my business in a
way I have dreamed I would be able to. Thanks to my friend Alison from The Modern Cottage Company, my dream is about to come true!
I have always wanted to have my own space, my own store...but the thought of overhead costs makes my head spin so I have resorted to Craigslist, word of mouth and just about any other means of selling my pieces.
So back to Alison...a few weeks ago I received an email from her that went a little like this:
Alison: "Hi there! I have an opportunity through a city funded program to open up a storefront in the historic district downtown and thought that your style would nicely complement the space! It would be FREE with the exception of utilities which we could split between vendors and we will have access to this space (hopefully we'll be able to extend) through July/August. Let me know if you're interested and we can talk details."
Me: "Heck yeah!!!! Where do I sign? This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me!"
Now, of course, after getting so excited and driven by pure emotion, I came back to Earth and realized things could NOT be crazier for us right now and the thought of putting time into a store began to terrify me. I talked it over with my hubby (who is always ridiculously supportive) who not only encouraged me to do it but offered any help he could to help make the transition easy for me.
So, in the next few weeks I will be preparing to make a move to the store and out of my garage...I . Am. So. Excited. I can hardly stand it!
Part of me continues to believe that I am absolutely CUCKOO for diving into this right now but that's only a small part. The rest of me feels blessed to have this opportunity.
As I am able to get more sleep (as our little peanut learns HOW to sleep at night) and begin writing again, I will share this adventure with you...I hope you'll join me again!
Until next time,

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