A Leap of Faith and New Paint Love...

Happy Monday to you all! I am so excited as I have a ton of things to share. Some will have to wait until my next post as little G is sleeping and I don't have a ton of time right now but I HAD to share my latest creation and a new product with you!

If you've followed me for a while you know that while most of my pieces are nicely done, they're mostly plain. Yup, I said...boring. LOL...well, I finally got up the nerve to add a little SASSY to a dresser I am refinishing. 

Okay, so here we go...didn't get a good pic of the dresser before and honestly it wasn't in horrible condition. Structurally sound but some nasty contact paper inside drawers and someone decided to paint the inside and outside of drawers crimson. Really? 

Anyhow, here's the "after"-ish

Note my reference to "-ish" above. Well, that's because it's not REALLY the after but I had to share because I am in LOVE with this little baby! Not only because she's just so cute BUT because those tan stripes aren't just any tan stripes. 

You see, I have a secret...I haven't been faithful. To, Annie, that is.
Those stripes were painted with this LIQUID GOLD IN A CAN

Okay, I know, I know...it's milk paint. Big deal, right? Wrong. 
This stuff is awesome. Why? Well, for one, it's already mixed so no dealing with powders and chemical equations to get the consistency or color just right.  And, while it is not chalk paint, it is half the price of AS sooooooo....yeah, you get it. 

Anyhow, I cannot say how long this will last but General Finishes Milk Paint is THE BOMB and I can definitely see myself using it more and more in the future. 

By the way, that little pretty dresser will be available soon at our shop in Tacoma, WA.

More to come about that exciting new adventure a little later. 

In the meantime, you can get more info about that adventure HERE, HERE and HERE


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