Bloggers We Love Friday

So, here it is, folks! Our first Bloggers Love Friday and boy do I have one amazing lady to introduce to you all and kick off this series! 

It is with GREAT pleasure that I introduce to you Michelle Hughes from Vintage Junky.

Here's what Michelle had to say about herself on her own cute, funky blog:
[I am] a somewhat 30 year old wife and mother of one amazing little boy. I have a weakness for most things vintage and am always on the hunt. I love historic homes.. especially cottages and bungalows... and try to create that character in our 6 year old home. I like to paint... a lot. I sell my restyled pieces and vintage finds at my little shoppe at 309 Hardin Alley in Spring Hill, TN. I also have a booth at Winchester Antique Mall in Franklin, TN that has even more vintage goodness! I love throwing great birthday parties and may go a little overboard. I love rainy days and a good book (or 3!) I love happy, glass half- full people, so stick around and let's see what kind of trouble we can get into!

 How did your love of design turn into a passion?
I have been painting furniture since I was a teenager.  There were some scary incidents with sunflowers and crackle paint!  I think I really got serious about my business shortly after getting married and moving into our home.  We bought a new house that lacked character.  We bought vintage furniture because it has wonderful lines and better made than most of today's furniture. From there I started a blog. The blog needed a name and it came to me while I was driving to work one day.  We were out almost every weekend hunting for things.  We couldn't keep it all.  So, I opened an etsy shoppe, then a booth, then some more booths and now I have my very own brick and mortar (siding actually!) shoppe.  

What inspires you the most?
I think I am always inspired by different things.  It may be a movie or a song or a time period or a book.  I always think there is so much creativity and inspiration to be found from fellow bloggers and vintage shoppe owners as well. 

Seriously, are you guys seeing this girl's talent?

What's the one thing that you wished people don't know about you that most don't?
I think I am pretty much an open book.  I guess I could tell you how extremely messy my house is most of the time, but I don't really want you to know that!  Okay, here is something... there is seriously not enough time in the day for me to do all the things I want to do or give attention to all the people I want.  I have a really hard time balancing that sometimes.

Image courtesy Vintage Junky

 Is there a piece that you've refinished that you're stilll kicking yourself for selling?
There are several!!  I had a couple of Louis XV armchairs that I loved.  I spent a lot of time on them.  A photographer friend bought them, so I am able to still able to visit them from time to time.  I think I always try to come up with a place for all of my pieces.  For awhile, I switched up my entry every week until I found a forever piece.

Image courtesy Vintage Junky

How would you describe your design style?
I think this may be the hardest question yet... I don't know exactly what I would fall in.... I mean, I don't consider myself shabby chic even though I hear others say that.  And, I am not really industrial.  And I think eclectic is a little more traveled and colorful than what my look is.  It isn't quite French or Farmhouse either.  I guess it is a mixture of many vintage looks.

Image Courtesy Vintage Junky
So, each week I will feature a blogger that I love and admire. It's my attempt to make this blog world a little bit smaller and get to know some amazing people a little bit better and help you guys do the same! 

If you're in Michelle's neck of the woods, be sure and stop by, shop, hang out for a while and if you're reading this blog head on over virtually and show her some love! You will NOT be disappointed that you paid her a visit! 


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