On the left I smile...I have new clients!
On the right I am disappointed ...I have lost them!
I have another question for my blogger friends who are also designer:
Do you meet clients on week-ends and/or holidays? If so do you charge more for your time?
I was approached recently by potential new clients who wanted me to have a consultation on a Saturday. I did agree, saying I don't usually work on week-ends but since they both work full time I could make an exception for this Saturday. Then they moved the appointment to the following week, on a holiday, again I said I would make an exception but I stated that if it would happen again I would be charging a 20% more (I know designers who charge 100% more). They came back to me saying we were "not a good fit" to work together (I guess they were right...we are NOT a good fit)I wished them good luck for their project.
Even if I do work a lot on week-ends for projects (ideas, drawings, research from the comfort of my home) I feel it is inappropriate to let clients take advantage of my free time and as a form of respect to each other I believe we should all stick to some rules and don't undersell our services since doing this will hurt the whole industry.
Would you call your lawyer for an appointment on week-ends?
Would you call a plumber during a week-end and not expect some surcharge?
Would you call your seamstress to work on a Sunday?
Would you (please fill the blank)...?
Would you please tell me your stories?
Image: Fornasetti vases
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