So if you're from this area and any kind of junker, you know that Ruffles and Rust is becoming one of the PNW's Vintage Markets. Offering something for every kinda of antique, junk, vintage, hmmm....I mean, LOVER, Ruffles and Rust delivers.
The show is two days, Friday and Saturday. Fridays are reserved for special entry and was from 5p-8p. I decided to go on Friday evening since our Saturdays are normally pretty full.
I was NOT disappointed.
At the door I was greeted by the Rust and Ruffles Crew and the wonderful Timi. Timi is the brain behind the Ruffles and Rust Market. Not only does Timi and her team put on a wonderful two-day show but she also runs this wonderful place year round in Snohomish.

And since I didn't realize until Saturday night that I didn't get a picture of her, pics of her place will have to do until we meet again! And we WILL meet again! (smile)

And since I didn't realize until Saturday night that I didn't get a picture of her, pics of her place will have to do until we meet again! And we WILL meet again! (smile)

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Picture courtesy Ormolulu |
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Picture courtesy My Sweet Savannah Wanna go yet? I'll meet ya there! So now, for all the wonderful people I met while shopping, snapping pics and stalking at Ruffles and Rust. (Did I just say stalking? I meant networking...seriously.) ![]() ![]() I have a lot of great plans for my finds. I picked up a few smaller items also but these pieces were my favorite! You'll get to see what my brain is concocting for the chippy candlestick (can you say, yummy?), handmade trunk and wire dome later! I think you're gonna loooooove it! I already do! So, back to the show... After chatting for a few seconds with Timi (who I now adore after meeting in person), I stopped to chat with the awesome creator behind Ormolulu. You can read more about her and her biz here. ![]() ![]() ![]() Wasn't her space just awesome? Just makes ya wanna walk into her space and buy something! Hee, hee! As you'll see, a lot of the booths at RandR were that way. These ladies were amazing! I unfortunately didn't get a pic of Miss Ormolulu but I am sure I'll be running into her again! And then, there was this space... Her name says it all: "BRIDE ON A BIKE" (Her name is Devon) When you get a minute, make sure you hop over to her blog and check out all of her great finds and creations! Doesn't the name alone just make you curious? And to go along with her creative use of words for her biz, her personality was great to boot! It was such a joy meeting you Devon, and I look forward to seeing you soon! Then there was eclectic mix of found goods and vintage ephemera. ![]() you see what I see? Absolutely adorable. |
Roost is a husband and wife team. Which I thought was absolutely the coolest thing ever. I started asking questions of the hubby and he humbly led me to his wife. Super cute, sweet couple who made the drive all the way from Salem, OR to partcipate! Don't forget to stop by her place and say hi!
So, are you all feeling like we shopped this wonderful show together yet? That's the goal here...really want you to get a sense of what it was like being there and how it felt to take it all in. It. Was. Amazing.
Last but not least, there was this "sweet" chica! Melaine from My Sweet Savannah.
You guys probably know her...she's pretty popular here in blog land and in our area of course!
She's pretty darn cool too and her space at Ruffles was great! I couldn't get her to put her face in a pic (silly pretty lady) but she did let me take some pics of her booth.
So, are you all feeling like we shopped this wonderful show together yet? That's the goal here...really want you to get a sense of what it was like being there and how it felt to take it all in. It. Was. Amazing.
Last but not least, there was this "sweet" chica! Melaine from My Sweet Savannah.
You guys probably know her...she's pretty popular here in blog land and in our area of course!
She's pretty darn cool too and her space at Ruffles was great! I couldn't get her to put her face in a pic (silly pretty lady) but she did let me take some pics of her booth.
I had more pics of her booth but for some reason, they didn't come out pretty at all...doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I am learning, seriously learning, how to use my new camera.
(EXTREME sarcasm..hee,hee)
So, I hope you've enjoyed our virtual shopping time. And if you're ever in the area and want to do some REAL LIVE shopping, I am down. Just message me! LOL...
I leave you with a few more random pics from the show and a sweeet Ruffles and Rust Blogroll...
When you have time, be sure to go over and visit these and others who made this event a success and tell 'em Kennesha sent ya!
Ruffles and Rust
Bride on a Bike
My Sweet Savannah
Great Findz
A Mix of Madness
Patty from gather
A Touch of Mink
Haley's Cottage
Vintage Dutch Girl
Circle Creek Home
When you have time, be sure to go over and visit these and others who made this event a success and tell 'em Kennesha sent ya!
Ruffles and Rust
Bride on a Bike
My Sweet Savannah
Great Findz
A Mix of Madness
Patty from gather
A Touch of Mink
Haley's Cottage
Vintage Dutch Girl
Circle Creek Home

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