So folks! The time has come to make the announcement for our giveaway over here at RHI! I am so excited to be able to share this opportunity with you and giveaway some of the things that make life just a little more fun for me!
So, are you ready?
Here goes:
ONE lucky follower will get to win a "box" full of goodies next week when this giveaway closes.
The box of goodies will include but will not be limited to:
Handmade Goods
Small Found Antique and Vintage Items and Ephemera

What do you have to do to win? Well, I thought you'd never ask!
I am trying out something new this time around with the giveaway. Rafflecopter is a new and easy way to host giveaways on your blog. I've heard a lot about it and thought since I had a few different ways to enter, this would be the easiest way to streamline your entries.
It's really pretty easy.
While all the ways are not required, the more stipulations you follow, the more entries you receive.
At the close of the contest, one winner will be randomly drawn and take away the fabulous prizes!
Just in case you're like me and really don't want to read thru everything on the Rafflecopter Widget (Just keepin it real), I will break everything down here.
1. "LIKE" RHI on Facebook (Mandatory to qualify)
2. Tweet about us and this amazing giveaway to all of your friends, coworkers, family and strangers too!
3. Follow RHI on Twitter and TWEET about it if you can. Use hashtag #RHIGiveaway.
4. Follow RHI on Pinterest
5. Leave a comment here and tell me why you want to have this bundle of goodies! (Mandatory)
It probably wouldn't hurt to follow here on the blog too! Just sayin...
It probably wouldn't hurt to follow here on the blog too! Just sayin...
So, there you go! FIVE ways to win...two of which are mandatory. Sorry, I know that makes it sound so UNfun.
- You may only enter each category ONCE but you can Tweet this as often as you'd like!
- One email address/IP address per entry
Have questions? Please email me for answers!
Best of luck to you! Can't wait to announce the winner!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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