Okay, ya'll...so I am already over here waving my hankie and getting all excited about sharing with you this week for Sunday Night Inspiration! OMG. This past week has been SO amazing. Not because life has been perfect but because God is SO amazing and perfect and so is His will for me and YOU! Such a full week. Some friends of mine and I attended the Women of Faith conference this weekend. I'll be sharing those details with you next week but...
Last week a photographer friend of mine texted me to let me know that she'd rented a lens for her camera and wanted to know if I wanted to shoot. Specifically, she wanted to know if my daughter and I wanted to do a session together. She had this whole idea in her mind of doing a "street hipster chic" style as she called it. Of course, I obliged. I was down. I mean, I had to help her get those ideas she'd envisioned about this shoot out of her system, right? Not to mention, she is a pretty amazing photographer with an amazing eye...or two. {sorry, couldn't help that one} So, anyhow, um...yes. We did it. No regrets and this is why...
I really am beyond pleased with the way these photos turned out and Tiarra has such a special way of capturing moments and personalities in her photography. Just a note...she travels. And you can see more of her work or inquire about a session here.
Now, let me just put a little disclaimer out there...I don't normally think I look all that amazing in photos. (Sorry, just being honest) However, this photo shoot was different. And, somehow, these photos were different.
Immediately following the session, as my daughter and I were getting in the car, I was reminded of my flight to Europe this summer and a vision that God gave me while reading the most amazing book ever by Lisa Bevere called Nurture . You can read more about John and Lisa Bevere here.
Sidenote: BEST. BOOK. EVER. If you are a woman. Read it. Period. Commercial over.
Back to the story...
So, as I was sitting on the plane I had a lot of time for reading. There is a chapter in this book that talks about women as mentors, moms, sisters...etc. and the role that each of those play in our lives and in the work of the Kingdom of God. It shook my world. I remember my heart began to race as I read Lisa's words and then...God spoke through a vision.
Since Sunday nights are our personal nights here and a way for you to get to know my heart, here's the deal...
I have a passion and a heart for women. Of all ages. Broken, needy, weary, worn, torn apart...those who need a word of encouragement, a good laugh, a coffee, a smile...I have a desire to FEED THE NEED.
Moreover, I have a heart to see dreams and visions revived in these women.
It gives me great pleasure to see a woman who has forgotten who she is and be reminded once again of her purpose and calling in life.
I believe that is just a small part of my purpose for being here on this Earth.
To encourage, empower, enlighten, lighten the loads of, see the release of and help women break free into their dreams. The God-breathed, bigger than life, impossible without Him...dreams.
And in that very moment right there on the plane, I saw it. A room packed full of women and my daughter standing by my side...in ministry. Together. It was just a snippet but it was enough to reignite a fire within me that had long burned out.
I stuffed it...tucked it away for when I wasn't the mom who was needed as much.
For when I wasn't the wife who had to square up meals for the family or have as much "couch time" with the hubby.
That was a lie.
My time is now.
My heart beats and hurts for the lost...now. My daughter, my kids, my husband need me...now.
And God is calling me...now.
Who told me to stop dreaming? Who told you? Who told you that you couldn't?
Another disclaimer, I am a mom of four. I get that our lives are full of lots of things, commitments, etc. Trust me. Am I talking about doing your own thing and following your own desires? No. What I am saying is that if God has given you desire, a dream, He has placed it in your heart for His purpose and YOU have a special part to play and a purpose to fulfill that no one can do the way He created you to do.
What I am sure of is that even in the midst of motherhood, marriage, friendships and life altogether God gives us opportunities to "seed" into His Kingdom and our purpose for His glory. It really is quite spectacular. You know, that thing called grace...we do it all by Him and through Him anyway, right?
It's with His authority and His grace that we empower and encourage one another. We FAN THE FLAMES of passion and desire that God placed in our hearts since the beginning of it all. And we do it because it gives us LIFE. Real, pure, true...LIFE.
May I encourage you to keep dreaming?
You are a link in someone's chain.
You are hope to someone who's lost it all.
You are here to serve a purpose and to fulfill a destiny and calling that is specific to your individual God fingerprint.
Cheering you on,

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