Okay, so I know that it's not Sunday now for most of you but for those of us here on the West Coast we still have about an hour left and I am determined to get this post in before midnight so I can still call it SUNDAY Night Inspiration. Ha! I know, it's really okay...I can give myself grace when I don't get these written early enough to schedule a post but to be quite honest, as much as I would like to plan these posts, they don't always work that way. Sometimes when I think I know just what I want to share with all of you, what's really on MY heart is not really what's on God's heart. Since this is the reason I write these each week anyway {to share God's heart for you, me, to inspire and empower you} I wait.
I wait until the very last minute sometimes just to hear it. A word...
Tonight it was just one...CAPTIVATING. Wait. What? What does that mean?
I was sitting and thinking...well, actually kinda freaking out that I hadn't posted this just yet and it was already after 12 noon.
Maybe I just wouldn't post this today? Maybe it would be okay to just leave this one blank and let the one from last Sunday soak in a bit more? What would people think? Would they think I am an inconsistent blogger? That they couldn't follow and trust to find the series here, right here, each Sunday? Come on Lord...I need to share my heart and I need you to GIVE ME a word for your girls {and some of your guys} right NOW.
So there I sat, all stressed out when it came.
Now, I know I probably say this each and every week...but I will do my absolute BEST to keep this one short and sweet.
You are captivating. And not only are you captivating but HE is captivated by you. Not because of your beauty {but you are beautiful}, not because you're a good dancer {but I am SURE you are}. Not because you have the best outfits or your hair is JUST right or because you didn't yell at your kids today {thank you Jesus} but because you are made in His image, created with a great purpose to fulfill.
Now this may seem like a little thing. It may seem like something that really just doesn't matter...all of this "captivating" mumbo jumbo...but, here's the deal:
Another word for captivating...capture. Can you believe that God is SO in love with you that you capture his heart? And that His love is so big, so deep, so wide that He wants to capture yours? And in the midst of your life and day-to-days and all of your working and doing, His love is so magnified that it captures others.
I know this is a lot of captivating and capturing and I really don't want to make this complex. So, simply put...God wants us {His girls} to be SO captivated, so caught up, so CAPTURED by Him and what He has placed in us, what He called us to do whether it be for a season or for a lifetime so much so that it overflows into all that we do until people begin to take notice.
And then before you know it, God working through you...through your gifts, through your smile, the gift of a free coffee to a stranger, through that change of a diaper and a spontaneous convo in a public restroom {come on I know I am NOT the only one} CAPTURES another one's heart.
She {that stranger, that friend from years ago, fill in the blank} is then raptured, wrapped up in, swaddled and captivated by you and the God shining through you.
So, it all starts here...with knowing that you are LOVED by your Creator and that He loves YOU and is captivated by YOU. You are captivating. You are loved. You are worth it.
Praying for you this week {and for myself} that we KNOW it, feel it, sense it, experience it...the captivating love of Christ. There's nothing like it in this world.
Kim Walker is one of my faves. Please take a moment to listen to the words of this song. Really sums up the heart of this post.

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