Interior Design Show West, Vancouver

IDSwest, Vancouver Convention Center

This post and the followings are for all of you not able to be in Vancouver for the four days of Interior design show, also known as IDSwest, which is expanding and becoming more creative every year.  Some of the West's most successful, influential and creative designers, firms and retailers exhibit here. This year for the first time the event was hosted at the new Vancouver Convention Center, a state-of-the-art facility on the waterfront.
Here are just a few images to give you an idea of the great selection of products and brands at IDSwest.
Let's start with a luxurious, romantic, antique style mixed with contemporary touches at
IDSwest The Cross2
The Cross


IDSwest The Cross 3 
The Cross
they also represent a new surreal and provocative European wallpaper by Timorous beasties. A note to say many thanks to The Cross for offering a delicious arrays of pastries, cakes, coffee and tea to us designers, so excited and fatigued! The Cross has class!

Then off to the new store in town focusing on decorative fabrics and objects from Europe.

IDSwest Orling & Wu
Orling & Wu


IDSwest Orling & Wu 2 
Orling & Wu

A stop at 18 Karat, known for its bold, clean lines, innovative products.

IDSwest 18 Karat
18 Karat

and a visit to Inform Interiors, a premier design destination that changed the city perception of Interior design, bringing the best of the world's contemporary design to Vancouver and promoting the best of locally designed furniture. Nancy Bendtsen is an amazing lady (she was called "a goddess" by Larry Beasley during his talk at the show on urban design in the Middle East). Nancy co-founded Inform Interiors with her husband Neils, a designer of a stunning line of furniture, appropriately called Bensen to make it easier to spell and pronounce for people like me not used to so many consonants in a name!

IDSwest Inform Interiors 2
Inform Interiors
Bocci lights by Vancouver based Omer Arbel.

IDSwest Inform Interiors 1 
Inform Interiors
Nature at its best with thousand years old wood table and Mummy chairs by Edra.

IDSwest Inform Interiors 4
Inform Interiors
A whimsical Alessandro Mendini chair.
It was an intense four days of meeting new and old friends, learning from speakers (a post on Karim Rashid's talk will be published in a few days, I still need to put together the myriad of ideas that he talked about!) and checking what is new in the design field this side of the ocean. 

Stay tuned, more posts on IDSwest to come soon!

Photography © by Albarosa Simonetti
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