Okay, so last week I slipped in a quick post as I frantically prepared for a Holiday Open House on Friday. It's been an amazing week and I can now finally sit down for a few moments and share the finished pieces with you that I gave sneek peeks of last week!
Overall, things went great! I met a ton of awesome mom-preneurs and biz owners and sold all of the bigger pieces that I took with me and a couple of smaller items.
My pictures weren't the best. For some reason, I felt a little frazzled when I got there and that's when I was snapping most of the shots. I wanted to take them before things began just in case people decided to take things away as they shopped.
Just in case you forgot, let me just give you a reminder of what this beautiful little space looked like BEFORE...
Moving right along...
I really do like the way this one turned out...can't find my BEFORE pics. Again. I have to get organized a bit better around here but I LOVE the story that goes along with this. Purchased it from a couple who'd owned it since they were kids but needed some love just like most pieces we all pick up.
It has now found a loving home with a sweet new friend who felt the need to "treat" herself! I love it!
Then, there was this desk. So sweet. The perfect size for a small office or a kid's bedroom. Both of these pieces sold fairly quickly. I love the AS Cream color and how it works with the natural finish of the top of the desk...really yummy.
.A bit of crumpled, shredded music sheet paper and some coasters for the stocking. Sweet.
Hydrangeas. Anyone else infatuated? These are my favorite flowers and THIS is what they look like dried! Amazing! A bit of willow to add some texture and it's like Heaven!

I think these may have been my favorite pieces. They didn't sell...surprised but kinda relieved. I love them. Unfortunately, I don't need them nor do we have space so they must find another home!
Overall, it was a great, great, great event and I had so much fun getting to know some people, meet some new clients and make some new friends.
Thanks to THESE ladies, it was time well spent!
Stay tuned as I share a little more before the weekend's out on a great find from THOSE ladies for my living room and share pics of how that room is beginning to come together.
Hope you all are having had a great week!

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