Goody, goody gumdrops...!
I was at a friend's house this past weekend and just before I left she says, "Oh! I have something I think you will like!" Do you know what is was? TWO...yes, TWO boxes full of discontinued fabric samples and she wanted me to have them ALL! Can you believe that? I was elated! (Well, I was more than elated...I was LITERALLY salivating all over them, of course, just so no one else would snatch them up. Ha!) As I went through each box, I became more and more excited about the endless possibilities and potential these squares offered. It was absolutely amazing!
Here's my just a few of my goodies. They are SO yummy!
So then, of course, the wheels in my brain began to turn (quite squeeky and slowly BUT they were turning-LOL!) and I started searching the net for ideas of projects to make my little scraps of fabric one of a kind and a treasure for my home and possibly for others.
Here's just a few ideas I came up with:
-Totes and handbags
-Reusable shopping bags
-Bed quilt or crib quilt
-Embellishments for scrapbooking
-Yoga Mat/Bag
-Drawer Liners
Not only am I now on a search for more and more fabric samples I am dreaming about seriously, I really am.
And it just got better...
The next day (Saturday) was the Super Garage Sale & Craft Fair. It's held four times per year here on Oahu and boasts over 100 crafters and other ware sellers. Me & My House has participated as a vendor in this show in the past but, since I am always "manning" my booth, I never get to SHOP and always feel like I miss out on all the good stuff! Soooo, this Spring I decided to take a break and shop. Boy, am I glad I did! I found some awesome pieces as you can see...
Here are my sweet finds...much of it is what most would consider junk but hey, you know what they say (sing it with me)..."One person's trash is another's treasure." That coudn't be more true for me! A great planter, a sweet ladder back chair and SCORE:two retro chairs that need to be "Me & My House-i-fied"...hee, hee!
I am loving this chippy old bowl...I think I am going to use it for lavendar and some other herbs as well as the old worn out planter behind it.
Who knows how I will transform and repurpose these pieces...guess you will just have to wait.....and.....see!

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