Okay, so I feel like it's been forever since I lifted a hand to paint, sand, or refinish anything. Shows always WEAR ME OUT! I thought taking a bit of a break would be nice but I think it's time to get back to work so I headed out Thursday, Friday AND Saturday of this week (with kids in TOW mind you since hubby was out of town) to find more great stuff. Some of it will get refinished for Me & My House...(I really mean MY house) and some of it will go into my next show...take a look-see at my finds...I just can't get enough!
I got all of this Friday and Saturday...the kids loved hanging out too,believe it or not! They even bought a few things for themselves...it looks like I spent a lot of money...guess what, I DIDN'T!
Love this desk that someone spray painted gold. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I am already dreamin' up the colors and finish I want to use...what do you think?
This was the cutest little stool that is actually a reproduction piece, but you would never know. Too cute!
A few frames I am goingt to turn into chalkboard, memo board or something...who knows?
So, the lady that I bought these HUGE frames from was about to THROW THEM OUT! Can you believe that? Are you ready for this? They were only $10 for BOTH OF THEM! Steal!

An amazing bench that I am going to give a few coats of a few different colors of paints and distress, glaze, etc...I think this one is going to stay with me! I love it!

Okay, so those are my finds for this week/weekend...I must say, I racked up this time and I managed to not break the bank...honestly, I never do!
Thanks to Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality for inviting all of us to join in on Today's Thrifty Treasures. She hosts this fabulous finds party every Monday...it's been so much fun sharing. If you've got something to share with all of us junkin' addicts hop on over to her blog and add your name to the list...we'd love to see your finds!

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