Okay, so I have all of this burlap that I purchased and all of these ideas and wham! Nothing! At least not yet BUT I have a ton of ideas so I am sharing those...influenced by Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality, I HAD to get in on her oh so hip P-A-R-T-Y somehow!
- I thought I would take some old lamps that I have and do a fun weave of burlap or jute webbing over the shades that are now in disrepair and seem almost impossible to find the shades to fit the frame. Although now that I am looking at Rhoda's, I am kind of liking the monogram idea. Hmmmm...??
- Pillows, pillows,pillows...and MORE pillows! Yup, seems to be the thing to do with burlap these days. From BHG to Country Living to Etsy, these decorative pieces are popping up all over the place and in all sorts of styles. This primitive pillow with a modern, Southern touch was handcrafted by Brick Walls.
- A million uses for coffee sacks. I bought a few last week during my garage sale excursions (See "Sweetness" post). I will use a few for runners on my sideboard-eventually. Some of them I also plan to use to make some market totes for friends. This fabulous litte bag is from a fellow Etsy-er, Catfluff. Check them out!

So next week, HOPEFULLY, I can get ONE of my burlap projects completed and show them off!
Wish me luck! Until then...
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