We won an award! Thanks sooooooo much, Kathy, for thinking so much of us to nominate Me & My House for a blogger award...I am just so flattered! Really, I am and I am even more happy to know that my blog has inspired you in some way...now, THAT is something to smile about. When you get a chance, be sure to visit Kathy blog, Sylvia's Vintage Daughter at www.sylviasvintagedaughter.blogspot.com. She's such a fun, funky and inspiring "junk" lady!She's my kinda gal! Hee, hee! You can also see more of how she uses all of her finds at Junkmarket Style.
Now it is my turn to nominate 7 people for a Blogger Award, as the rules are... and I copy:
The official rules are as follows:
1. Copy the award to your site
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers
4. Link to those on your blog
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
The official rules are as follows:
1. Copy the award to your site
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers
4. Link to those on your blog
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
So, here are the 7 things I love...
1. Warm, breezy Hawaiian nights with a full moon. Absolutely priceless.
2. My husband. He is, hands down, the best and a blessing to have in our lives.
3. My children. They are absolutely, totally, undeniably the cutest, happiest, funniest, most obedient kids to EVER walk the face of the Earth. Seriously, do you know children more cute? (Well, maybe your own but if you don't have any...do you? Seriously? LOL!)
4. Junk. Surprise! Well, of course I do! I like the smell of it, the taste of it (yes, I have licked a few pieces-LOL!), the look of it and most of all the cost of it! Like it even more when it's FREE! Which leads me to my next favorite....
5. FREE. Who doesn't love a good deal and when you don't have to pay for it, for some reason, it makes it all that much better.
6. Paint. Fabrics. Color...and just about anything else that will allow me to craft new creations. I love fabrics, especially I think, and when combined with the right paint color to set off that project, well, sometimes the right combos just bring tears to my eyes (Seriuosly, I have created a few pieces that I have cried over mainly 'cause I feel so blessed to have the creative gene God has given me...absolutely a blessing!) .
7. Oh no! Do I have to stop now? I was just getting started...I guess the last thing that I love is family and memories. (Does that count as two?) I just love reminiscing, spending time with extended family and making new memories for my own family and even carrying out those traditions passed down...leave a legacy...that's what we want to do for our kids...leave a legacy.
So, there's a few things that I love...just a little snippet. This was fun! Thanks, again, Kathy!
Okay, so here are my choices for the Kreativ Blogger Award...it wasn't easy. These are just a FEW of my favorites!
1. Cindy www.skiptomylou.org
2. Taryn www.lovetaryn.blogspot.com
3. Kimba www.asoftplacetoland-kimba.blogspot.com
4. Lindy www.themommydesigner.blogspot.com
5. La Te Da www.latedalove.blogspot.com
6. Beth www.thegypsyfish.blogspot.com
7. Kinzie www.kinzieskreations.blogspot.com
So, I am breaking the rules but I have to add just TWO MORE!!!
8. Barn House www.barnhousebh.blogspot.com
9. Queen of Tarte www.queenoftarte.blogspot.com
And nooowwww for the show...
With all the running around this weekend I haven't had time to post any news about this past weekend's show...it was great! I met lots of new and fabulous people and even got a sunburn! Ha! Turns out my tent only kept my furniture shaded as I was too busy running my mouth talking to anyone who came near...it was so much fun!
And it wouldn't have been the same without my girl Angie from CraftyLaine...thanks for keeping me company, Ang, and letting me rattle off in the low moments...you rock! You canvisit Angie and see all of her crafty goodies at www.craftylaine.com.
I had so much fun making these letters and the desk is one of my favorite pieces from the show. All in all, it was a great show...I made some new friends and best of all, Me & My House pieces are now featured in Plantation Home (A home decor boutique) in Kapolei, HI. Yay! We are so happy about the partnership with them and look forward to many sales! Hee, hee!

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