Each Friday (beginning next Friday), I would like to share before and after projects from followers, readers and friends. If you have some projects you have been waiting to show off, send them my way...I will post them and you'll be delighted to see what people have to say about your creative talents. For right now, I am calling it "Freaky Friday" until I can think of a better name...why freaky? 'Cause if you're like me, some of your finds are pretty "freaky" until you work your magic!
If you don't revamp furniture, then feel free to send clothing that you have repurposed too...I believe that would add an interesting dimension to the postings. Recycling, upcycling, repurposed...we want it all!
BEFORE...a tattered, torn and unloved piece.
So, come on! Send me your good stuff! (menmyhouse@gmail.com) I am waiting...

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