Okay, guys..I did it! Um...we did it! That would be...my hubby and I did it.
I kept my word. {Phew!}
It's Friday and the framed art is done! I'ts really pretty simple but there were a lot of
"firsts" for me on this project:
"firsts" for me on this project:
- First time using gel medium. {what's that?}
- First time doing compound cuts and measuring. {wow, can't wait to do more}- First time getting through a project from start to finish in 24 hours.
{Okay, so maybe that's not a first but it sure has been a long time since it happened!}
On to the tutorial for this project...
Here's the finished framed canvas. I will be adding it to a gallery wall as soon as I figure out what else I want on that wall. For now, I think it looks pretty good here on the mantel...especially since it was SO empty!
The inspiration for this project came from my favorite magazine that I have mentioned a bazillion times here...Life:Beautiful. If you don't know about it, check it out and subscribe. You will NOT be disappointed. And I digress...
What you will need:
A reversed template of any sort. You can download the one I used here.
Printer Paper
Gel Medium
White 8.5 x 11 copier paper
Preframed Canvas
Decoupage Medium
Four 1/2in x 3in x 3ft boards or trim to fit the borders of your canvas
Wood filler (optional)
Spray paint in the color of your choice (optional)
Spray bottle with water
Foam brush
Printmaking rubber roller (optional)
Fine-grit sandpaper
Measuring tape
Handsaw or Miter Saw
Okay, stay with me. I know that list seems quite long but it's really not a lot of stuff and there are a ton of optional items. Trust me, if I can do this...anyone can!
First, apply your gel medium to the middle of the canvas where you will lay your image.
Then, take the sponge brush and spread the gel medium evenly across the canvas making sure there are no large clumps or bumpy areas and adhere your reverse print to the canvas.
You will want to take your fingers and apply pressure around the paper to ensure you get all the wrinkles out as you see above.
If you have a rubber roller, use that to achieve a smooth surface or if you don't have one you can just do what I did and use a silicone spatula. Works like magic!
After you're comfortable with the consistency of the medium and the paper, you get to take a break. Now you can go sip on some yummy tea or coffee, wrestle with your toddlers, take some kids to soccer practice and then come back to the project.
You will need to let the gel medium dry for 2-3 hours. {cue Jeopardy theme music}
Once the medium is completely dry, you will want to take your handy dandy spray bottle and lightly spray the paper all over.
The untouched portion on the pic {left} below is what the paper will look like after you spray it with water.
Gently begin to peel the paper. You can also take your hands and rub or use the sandpaper at this time as well to get all of the paper off.
Don't worry about removing the words by applying too much pressure or rubbing too hard. It won't happen. At least, it didn't for me.
This is what it will look like mid-process. Messy.
You can, at this point, allow the canvas to dry and sand lightly once more to get rid of all the access paper or you can leave it as is once it dries and move on to the framing and sealing of the piece. Either way, not a huge deal. Totally up to you!
I chose to move on just because I am not the most patient person!
We just happened to have some weather aged trim in our garage so I used this to trim the canvas. If you don't have any of that just hanging around, you can purchase this type of trim from Home Depot or Lowe's and it's normally priced by the foot so know your total dimensions before going in to purchase.
If you'd like to achieve a weathered look you can use the vinegar and steel wood method and then apply Rustoleum's Driftwood or Sunbleached Stain for the perfect weathered look!
Sidenote: I think it would be fun to finish off the rim in gold, silver, black, gold leaf...possibilities are really endless! And I used scripture on this one because we just need more of it around our place but you could use just about any quote or image you want.
Sooooo, moving right along...
I am the worst at pics for tutorials and admittedly a bit rusty so no pics of the way we made the cuts.
{Insert hubby help here}
Essentially, we measured the corners of the frame and cut 45 degree angles from the corner of each trim piece.
Does that make sense? Perfect!
After the trim pieces were cut to size we hammered brads {painted to complement washed wood color}, into each side of the frame to secure to the canvas.
Optionally, you could build the frame with wood glue and nails, let it dry and then fit the canvas into the frame. I felt as though this way made for a little more stability and would less likely come apart. Again, personal preference...
And here is the finished product again...
I just love the way it turned out, don't you?
Maybe this will give me just the kick I need to decorate the mantel before Christmas!
And I have a feeling we will be making many more of these!
If you make any version of this, I would love for you to share! Or, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I am sure that I left out some info!
Happy Amazing Friday!

Linking up with:
The Inspiration Gallery
Feathered Nest Friday
Sunday Showcase
Chic on a Shoestring
WOW Us Wednesdays
Time Washed
DIY by Design
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