Happy Sunday, folks! {Or, Monday} Praying your day so far has been utterly amazing and you're settling in to jump into the week ahead of you.
I've had some issues this week with my laptop and haven't been able to write much. Now, thanks to the hubs, everything is back to normal here on my computer and I can share some Sunday Inspiration with all of you!
If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I have had a fun week of finding a few sweet items to help pull together this rental redo I've been working on for a few weeks now. I shared a little bit about it here a couple of weeks back.
I don't know why but it always takes me FOREVER to find just the right piece when it comes to my home. Why is that? I seem to put so much pressure on myself to make things just right and perfect. {Oh goodness, there's that word again.}
I just want things to be perfect. {Nothing wrong with that, right?} Even in our rental. Even though it's temporary. It's ours. At least for now...
And what's with me wanting to do all of this so quickly? I have projects up to my ears from furniture refinishes for friends to simple DIY to-do lists around the house and let's not even begin to talk about all the things I wanna do with and for my kids. It's enough to drive anyone to insanity.
You know...it's really in those times that I feel the most overwhelmed. The most like I need to blog every hour 'cause I have to keep up with this and that. The most like I have to make connections and network for my business. The most like if I don't then things will fall apart...that I am reminded of WHOSE I am and WHO is in control.
If I am completely honest {and I will be} when I am feeling overwhelmed {and I KINDA have been}, bound and stressed...I think to myself, "Darn it! There I go again...taking the reigns, not allowing God to do what He does best."
It is then that I am again reminded that my life and all that I do is under His guard, His watch...His control. And that is just the way it should be. I mean, He does kinda see it all. He has KINDA made some pretty glorious plans for my life. He does KINDA love me...I am HIS. Which means I have peace because He IS peace. I have joy because He IS joy. I have a good life because He IS life. And so many more promises including this one...
The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
Psalm 37:23
Yep, that's you...the godly. And yep, that's Him...delighted in and excited about each and every detail of your life.
So, if you've been a little like me lately...just a little on edge trying to get. it. all. done...take delight in knowing that He is directing your way and wants you to bring each and every detail of your life to Him. You can REST in knowing that you're not burdening Him with it all.
Exhaling deeply with you,

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