Today, I am sharing with you just a few of my favorite bloggers that offer inspiration for my spirit and home!
Some of them you may know and others will be new to you! Whatever the case, be sure to hop over and give them a shout out and follow along! Trust me, these ladies are dishing up some good stuff and you don't want to miss a thing!
First is Edie from Life {in}grace
I've followed Edie for what seems like forever and I just love her heart and all that she offers her readers from DIY to life building, she is just the best.
Here's a snapshot of her bedroom redo...yup, it's real. Gorgeous.

Next up is this wonderful lady from The Nester. Myquillyn
{Like Jackquelyn with an "M"}is her real name and she is
amazingly talented, super big heart and pretty darn cute as well!
This is just one shot from her home tour on her blog. Loving the plates on the wall and the use the super creative juxtaposition of the lighting that she made! Talk about outta the box.

I've followed this talented chica since I started my original blog "Me 'n" My House" years ago! May I introduce to you Jennifer from Dear Lillie?
I just love everything about her and it's been amazing to watch her family grow and see her talents and style evolve as well. Not only is she a talented stylist but she has a great line of accessories and home décor items that will blow your mind.
You can find more on her blog of course but here's just a taste...
Abby M. Interiors is kind of a newer one for me but connecting with Abby makes me feel like I have know her for years! She has a keen eye for design and enjoys taking vintage and found items and incorporating them into her design. {Now ya'll know I love that!} She has the sweetest heart and I am enjoying getting to know her! Hop on over to her place and say hello, won't you?

Last but not least is Amy from The Blissful Bee. How would I describe Amy and her blog? One word: FUN! That's what I think about when I think of Amy's blog and all of her fantastic DIY projects! Amy is also another blogger I just recently found a couple of months back and I am SO happy I did!

Of course I have a billion bloggers to share with you...this is just the beginning. There are so many talented women out there and I cannot wait to share more! Who are some of your favorites?
Happy Friday!

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