The blinking cursor. It's been there waiting for me to
This is a post I've been wanting to write for a few weeks now but just haven't been able to put finger to keyboard to properly transfer these thoughts into words.
But tonight, we went to church and all of a sudden, it was complete. It all finally made sense to me.
For months and maybe even more than a year now I've wrestled with where to go with my business. What should Restoration House Interiors look like. What should it represent? To whom should it speak? And when I say "wrestle"...I mean WRESTLE.
This thought has, at times, literally consumed me as I continue to forge ahead and do all I have to do to make this business what I want it to be. Wait...what? Did I just say that?
If you've read my ABOUT ME section or hung around here for any amount of time you've gotten a taste of where my heart lies in relation to Restoration House. I've debated about breaking off and beginning a separate blog for inspiration but every time I try something {I like to call it the Holy Spirit, God, Jesus}inside says "no". I am not saying that this will never happen but now is not the time.
Over the next few months I hope to convey this emotion and conviction to you and welcome you to a new blog...a place where you can be inspired not just for your home {even thought there will be a lot of that} but a place where you SOUL can be filled and where you can find REST. And I won't separate the two. When you get Restoration get me. All of me. The quirky, the fun and funky, the thoughtful, creative, energetic, goofy, Jesus loving...ME.
So what was this "it" revelation I had tonight? Well, our Pastor spoke to us tonight about the Sabbath and what God intended it to be and how Jesus IS the Sabbath. He IS rest. He is the completed, finished work of God in our lives and I {and you too} can REST knowing that:
I AM ACCEPTED. {So I don't have to WORK to please Him. He loves me.}
I AM FORGIVEN. {So I don't have to walk in worry or shame.}
I AM CALLED. {So I am released to do some pretty amazing things in this life.}
I AM LOVED. {SO I love. I create and give because so much has been given}
I AM FREE. {To be who God has called me to be.}
I AM HIS. {So I can rest.}
I can rest here. Right here...and allow God to work through my gifts and talents and share all of His goodness with all of you whether it be through a Sunday night post or a Tuesday afternoon write-up about paint color on my walls or a DIY project. I no longer have to wrestle with what this place should look like because I can rest in knowing that my identity is not in Restoration House or anything I do but found in Him and what He has done.
I am SO excited to continue to walk this all out and share this journey of creativity and spiritual growth with all of friends. You truly are...accepted by Him and pretty darn amazing.
Looking forward to the journey,

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