This past weekend I had the opportunity once again to visit the Fall Ruffles and Rust Vintage Market. You can read more about the show and what it offers here.
A girlfriend of mine and I drove up to Monroe, WA to the Evergreen State Fairgrounds to check out all of the vendors and their unique finds. There's always something to be found at R and R!
This year, admittedly, I didn't find as much as I did last year but there were plenty of great junkers and rusty offerings galore. I just think I am in a bit of a transition in style so while I admired plenty of the creative talents and visual merchandising, I was still quite purposeful in my buying.
I did manage to bring home a couple of grain sack pillows that I tossed onto the sofa. I just cannot seem to shake the farmhouse style...while I also love the contemporary.
So, I am learning to mix the two and make them meld into one complete look. Still working on that as you can see below.
Can you also see that I am REALLY into neutrals? Help me, Jesus. We live in Seattle. Lord knows I need some color in this room so I figure I will do that with just one more small bolster on the sofa 'cause I don't have enough pillows on the sofa right now.
Eh hmm.
And when I add my new side and coffee tables, I will add color there as well. It will all come together. Just such a slow process!
Anyhow, moving right along...
I bought this cool antique baby doll crib for only $20 from JohnBob Cool Junk. They have some COOL junk and they are pretty cool as well! If you're a local, you'll want to keep up with where they are! Always fun conversations and finds with those two.
I just love all the little, fun details and even the chippy dirty parts...just adds character.
I thought it would be fun for styling a baby shower or for infant, newborn photography. What do you think?
I think it's splendid!
I picked these little cuties up while antiquing for a bit on Sunday afternoon. Aren't they fun? I'll be adding them to the mantle or to the gallery wall. Can't really decide just yet but I do know I want t a few more.
Maybe my new collection?
I think the kids and hubby would get quite a kick outta that!
And on to a new gallery wall project. This one is inspired by Life:Beautiful Magazine. I don't think I have blogged about that magazine in a long time.
I posted it on Instagram a few weeks back. It truly is one of the most inspiring, encouraging, empowering magazines I have EVER read. No joke. And they're not even paying me to say that!
This is, of course, is a little sneak peak of a DIY project I'll be blogging about at the end of the week. Any guesses as to what this will be?
You'll have to return on Friday to find out!
Wish me luck...hoping it turns out perfectly!
Happy Tuesday!

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