Junking Journeys and Today's Thrifty Treasures...

Happy Monday! We're doing it again...with Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality and Today's Thrifty TreasuresHere are just a few finds from this past weekend that I fell in love with...aaaahhhh.

So, these are my finds.  Absolutely lovely.

The breakdown:
Small side table: $8.00
Bentwood chair: FREE
Small vintage drawer with crystal knob: $5.00
Vintage Frame: FREE
Tri-fold Frame: FREE
Plate Rack: $2.99
Tiered Tray: $5.00
TOTAL COST: $20.99

I shopped all around the island this weekend from Manoa Valley(one of my new favorite spots here on the island that I will be blogging about soon) to Mililani. The treasures were lovely as you can see

So, here's the plan. I want to take this tri-fold frame and sew some burlap panel curtains to fit the inside. To add a little bit of an extra layer and so it's not so blah, I will take some more vintage frames (one per panel) and hang with ribbon from the top of each panel to showcase the family photos we are supposed to be taking soon! Make sense...any other ideas?

I am not sure if I want to change much on this table. It is so cute and already antiqued but quite dingy and dirty. It also has a small laminate panel on top so I will have to paint that part for sure. 


During my "travels" this weekend, I stumbled upon a vintage sale in Manoa at the Wailoi Tea Room. I immediately knew when I saw the shabby (and I mean shabby) sign who was hosting. There are a group of women here on the island (about 5 of them) that travel to the Mainland, shop thrifts and online to bring their collections to the masses and they do it well. My pictures don't really do their quaint little set up any justice but just wanted to share some of the pics. 


I knew this would be fun...I was just too excited to get inside and take a look at all the wonderful pieces these women had discovered. 

This is Joy-and rightfully named. She was definitely pleasant and a "joy" to be around. She and her mother sell vintage tablecloths,hankies,napkins and sell them. They also turn them into fabulous cardigans, jackets and dresses. She is sporting one in this pic...yup, this is one of their handmade dresses made out of vintage curtains! Amazing. I didn't get a lot of pics of her stuff but it was gorgeous! 

A cute vintage vanity. I think it was $125.00.

Cute wire baskets. There were three of them for $16 ea. The enamelware ran from $5 to $12 bucks...a good deal but I didn't need any of it. The baskets I am actually looking for but just a wee bit smaller. If you have some, let me know...I would love to get my hands on some...preferrably more than one.

This was a really nice piece that caught my eye. An old grocery scale. $129.00 Too much for something I don't need but worth it to someone.

Okay, so those are my finds and outings from this weekend. Have a great week and don't forget to head on over to Rhoda's to share YOUR junk journey with all of us!


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