In an effort to leave everything in it's place and keep things organized on the homefront for my upcoming trip to Bama (whoot, whoot!), I have begun nesting, pruning, and clearing out some of the clutter we I have collected in the past few months since our move to Oahu...
I realize that I am nowhere near as organized as I used to be (three kids and five years later) and since I have lots of JUNK lying around, I thought I should put it to good use, eventually, and use it to try and organize my home. With bags to pack, clothes to iron (huh?) and hair to manage (leaving my baby girl with the hubs) I am up to my eyeballs in the "Things to Do" area.
Soooo, I decided to dream about all of the things I could use around my home to organize our lives and make a list of all the things that need to be organized and what I would like to use to organize them. Oh, joys of the A-Type...
I overthink just about everything which is why I must have THE PERFECT place for all of my STUFF and THE PERFECT piece to place and display all of my STUFF! I love the unconventional and THAT makes it even tougher...
How's this one for unconventional? Sweetness!
(Photo courtesy of HGTV)
Of course, for me, I would have painted some funky color and banged it up really good!

Now this one is a keeper! Let's see...old photos, sewing notions, love letters from the hubs...the list goes on. This is an old metal file drawer. The possibilities are endless here. See more cool revamps from Old Ohio Farm Finds here.

I just love all things old, chippy and grungy...I just can't figure out where to use them in my home just yet. Any ideas for this? Check out this cool shoppe to see more of their vintage finds.

This lovely salvaged coat/towel rack I found with Michelle over at From House to Home. Hop on over to her spot to see more great stuff and to get an OH-SO-YUMMY Butterscotch-Banana Cream Pie recipe!
My New Love. Mmmmm, hmmm and just because I heart them so'so one more for ya'll. This aweseom cubby is from the girls over at WhiteFlower FARMHOUSE. You can check them out here and trust me, you want to check. them. out.
Oh, there are so many great things to be found! But, I wonder if you find all the great finds and buy ALL the great finds, how's that effect the whole organzing thing? Looks like I've got myself into a little predicament, dearies.
So, what do you have to share? Any unconventional (and maybe not so unconventional) organizing tips? What are some things that you do to save time, space and money? Come on...give it to us straight!
Waiting to hear from ya...
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